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NavOS Release Notes (

  • TLS certificate generation limited to 4000 days to mitigate date rollover issues on 32-bit NavOS

NavOS Release Notes (

  • TUN-6725 - Tracker was not playing back CPR tracks in ClearWay.

NavOS Release Notes (

  • CAM-866 - Tracker now reports its own health status, as well as radar health.

  • CAM-840 - Clutter floor capture reporting improved.

NavOS Release Notes (

  • TUN-6440 - Fixed bug: Zero packet rate & zero rotation rate reported in radar Source Type in Clearway when using Orca Tracker

NavOS Release Notes (

  • Fixed legacy radar network source not being correctly configured.


NavOS Release Notes (

  • CAM-713 - Fixed bug where the watchdog was not being enabled on 64-bit trackers.


NavOS Release Notes (

  • CAM-701 - Updated the tracker so that any SPx_BAD_PIM_HEADER error messages result in a tracker restart. The tracker logging has been updated so as not to flood with error messages. This fix is an interim solution while the root cause of the problem is being investigated.

  • Fixed bug where the tracker was hanging on shutdown.


NavOS Release Notes (

  • CAM-587 - Fixed a bug where rotation and packet rate were not being reported correctly for radars rotating at less than 1Hz.


NavOS Release Notes (

  • CAM-533 - Extended exception handling and logging to prevent unhandled internal exceptions causing the tracker to exit in a 'clean' state, which would leave it quiescent.


NavOS Release Notes (

  • Improved the shutdown and restart logic to avoid issue where the tracker was cleanly shutting down instead of restarting

  • Added a new data watchdog which will automatically restart the tracker in the event that it stops receiving data from the radar due to issues with the internal networking


NavOS Release Notes (

  • CAM-420 - Improved the tracker network logic to support TCP disconnects correctly

  • CAM-442 - Added support for relaying RF Health status from the radar to Witness

  • Improved network messaging to perform direct writes via the Unix socket API, to allow broken pipes to be detected and sessions to be closed correctly

  • Added terminate handler to the tracker to report unhandled exceptions which previous may have caused an unexpected crash

  • Network sessions now close under all circumstances, even if the Session isn't fully established and open yet

  • Quick fix for incorrect rotation rate


NavOS Release Notes (

  • CAM-393 - Fixed the potential seg fault on the tracker ASIO Server when clients are disconnecting


NavOS Release Notes (

  • Removed periodic saving of the clutter map



  • Upgrade NavOS latest that replaces the root private key and added support for a Witness use that can get logs and upgrade

  • Changed certificate being generated to use 5000 days



  • Fixed incorrectly handling deleted provisional tracks

  • Stopped clutter map saving on day change



  • Enhanced tracker soak test



  • Added Min Plot Weight Track



  • Fixed issue with tracker not updating configuration



  • Fixed possible issue with periodic clutter maps not saving
