Configuring the OPC Server Plugin
When the plugin is licensed, a plugin configuration with default settings is automatically generatedThe ICD-007 Plugin will appear as a node under the Integration Configurations folder within the Configuration Tree. The settings can be viewed and edited by enabling the Config Function, then selecting the plugin in Integration Configurations, within the Configuration Tree. Configuration settings will then be available in the Configuration Panel.
Windows: Default - tries to read the certificate from in Windows Certificate Store. Certificate path must be a valid windows certificate store path e.g. "CurrentUser\My" or "LocalMachine\TrustedPublisher".
Directory: This tries to read the certificate from the file storage.
The subject name of the certificate must match the DNS name of the machine the OPC Server is run on.
Certificate Path: Location to store the server certificate. This can be a file location e.g. "C:\OpcCertificate\" if using Directory certificate type or Certificate Store path e.g. "CurrentUser\My"