Versions Compared


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The results are automatically calculated and will be presented in the four graphs below; a Rules bar graph, an Alarm Count (per Sections) line graph, a Top Alarm Sections pie chart and an Alarms by Time line graph. In the example below, the alarm query has been for Debris multiple alarms in the 'School Road' carriageway Carriageway B over the last 24 hours:


The example illustrated here tells us:

  • There have been 300 Debris 82 Slow alarms in the past 24 hours.

  • Of those alarms, Section 5 Sections 323 to 326 and 328 had the most - 114with 3 each.

  • There was a spike in the frequency of Debris alarms at around 04:30 am.


  • 14:16 on the 2nd November.


You can select the Export button in order to export and save Alarm Query data. 



alarm query data:




It is possible to adjust the alarm results displayed in the Sections and Alarms by Time line graphs by 'deselecting' rules, through clicking on their bars. This will remove that rule's alarm data from the accumulated data displayed in the two line graphs , and could be useful if a scale is skewed by a particular rule's alarm count being far higher than any other. A 'deselected' rule is indicated by changing from opaque to translucent magenta. The example below is the 'deselection' of the Debris rule, and therefore the Sections and Alarms by Time line graphs only display Person and Slow rule alarm data:


removed from the graph.


There are two Sections graphs; Alarm Count an alarm count by sectionand Top Alarm Sections.

The Alarm Count alarm count line graph by default depicts the accumulated alarms per section of all the selectedRule Types. The exact number of alarms in each section can be identified by hovering the cursor over the points of the line graph:


There are three Alarms by Time line - graphs: Section Alarms, System Alarms and Queues. Each represents the spread of alarm frequency over time. The default time period will be 24 hours, but a period of up to 72 hours can be selected to be represented in an Alarm Queryalarm query. The numbering alarms per specific hour can be identified by hovering the cursor over the points of the line graph:
