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Carriageway Mini Control
Carriageway Name: This is the name of the carriageway.
Carriageway Stats: This displays the following carriageway statistics:
Sections: This displays the number of sections within the carriageway.
Avg Speed (m/s): This displays the current average speed of the tracks.
Track Count: The number of tracks currently detected.
Empty: Whether the carriageway is empty or not at the current time.
Current Coverage: This is the current coverage for all of the sections on the carriageway.
Section Number: This is the selected section of the carriageway.
Section Stats: This displays the following section statistics:
Direction: The direction of the tracks in that section, in degrees.
Queue State: This will show if there is a queue in that section, or not.
Travel Time (s): This is the average time that targets take to travel through the section.
Vehicle (s): This is the average time that vehicles take to travel through the section.
Large Vehicle (s): This is the average time that large vehicles take to travel through the section.
Current Coverage: This is the actual radar coverage for the section, pending a healthy radar connection.
Coverage Status: This indicates if the coverage status is healthy (green) or unhealthy (red).
Statistics Status: This indicates if the statistics status is healthy (green) or unhealthy (red).
Track Count: A graph to display the track count in that section over time.
Average Speed: A graph to show the average speed of tracks in that section over time.
Coverage Status Tooltip: By hovering the mouse over the Current Coverage indicator, a tooltip will be displayed:
Current Coverage: This is the actual radar coverage for the section, pending a healthy radar connection.
Sensor Allocation: This is a toggle to show/hide the sensors on the carriageway.
Info |
Moving the mouse over different sections of the carriageway will dynamically update the Carriageway Mini Control to show the information for the relevant section. |
There are four elements which control coverage; Range of the Radar, Contour Maps, Exclusion Areas and Radar Group allocation to a carriageway.
In the example below, the Exclusion Area has been added in bright yellow, and this further limits the radar coverage. In the Carriageway Stats mini control https://navtechradar.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TUN/pages/2362081381/Carriageway+Stats#Carriageway-Mini-Control, the Current Coverage of section 6 has been reduced by the size of the exclusion area to 99%:
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