Camera Settings
Camera Details:
Name: the labelled name of the camera in the UI.
User ID:
Asset Code:
Enabled: select for the camera to be active.
Relay: the relay that is activated whenever the camera is activated (most often used to prompt a DVR to begin recording the video feed). Choose ‘0’ to disable.
Operating Mode:
Layer: the layer the camera is placed on, e.g. S/A Layer.
Colour: the colour of the camera icon on the PPI.
X/Y/Z (m): the relative position of the camera to the origin, within the PPI Display, measured by an X/Y/Z octant.
Latitude/Longitude (°): the true geographical position of the camera.
Home Position:
X/Y (m): the relative position of the Home Position (camera direction at rest) to the origin, within the PPI Display, measured by an X/Y quadrant.
Latitude/Longitude (°): the true geographical position of the Home Position.
Offset: this value determines the change in camera position necessary to go from the factory rest direction to the Home Position rest direction.
Pan: the degree value the camera needs to move left or right.
Pan Delta: the numeric interval between each click of the left-right direction controls.
Tilt: the degree value the camera needs to move up or down.
Tilt Delta: the numeric interval between each click of the up-down direction controls.
Invert Pan: when selected, all pan controls for the camera will be reversed. Used for cameras that are mounted in an inverted position.
Invert Tilt: when selected, all tilt controls for the camera will be reversed. Used for cameras that are mounted in an inverted position.
Range: Defines the maximum zoom distance (in metres) that the camera should be taken to when tracking distant objects. When tracking moving targets at long zoom levels it is possible to miss the target altogether. By reducing the zoom level, a larger field of view provides greater opportunity to keep the target within the frame.
Zoom Factor (%): the the percentage of the camera's maximum zoom capability used when following a track.
Home Zoom Factor (%): the percentage of the camera's maximum zoom capability used when at rest at the Home Position.
Areas: see Camera Areas.
Connection Details:
Address: defines the IP address of the camera.
User Name:
Security Mode:
Username Token:
Camera Details:
Dwell Timeout (s): defines a time period for which the camera will remain on a view before moving to the next position. The default setting is 10 seconds
Dwell Zoom Factor (%): the percentage of the camera's maximum zoom capability used when dwelling.
Large Pan (°):
Large Pan Zoom Factor (%):
Fast Target Speed (m/s): the minimum speed a Target must have before it is considered Fast.
Fast Target Zoom Factor (%): the percentage of the camera's maximum zoom capability used when following a Fast Target.
Connection Details:
Port: defines the port number used by the camera.
Connection Limit (?:
Media Profile Token:
Available Tokens:
Driver Details: these three values are derived from the model number of the camera and define the manner in which the zoom reacts to changing distance. These values are generally not altered.
Zoom Coefficient A
Zoom Coefficient B
Zoom Coefficient C
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