Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The CLI command line options are structured around verbs as an example:

The first verb is a choice of tracker or radar, this governs if the radar or the onboard tracker are to receive the command.

This first verb has several options:


Use flag -i or --ipaddress to specify the Radar IP Address; the default is “”.

Use flag -p or --port to select the Radar Port; the default is “6317”.

Use flag --version to show the version information.

Use flag -? or -h or --help to show help and usage information.

The second verb here is one of the commands listed below, in this case to set the Gain to 1 and the Offset to -0.345,

Code Block
RadarNavigationUtilities.exe radar -i setgainoffset -g 1 -o -0.345

Radar Utilities


Accelerometer Data

Get accelerometer information (radar mounting pitch and tilt values) - only for radars with internal accelerometer fitted.

Code Block
RadarNavigationUtilities.exe radar -i accelerometer


Code Block
RadarNavigationUtilities.exe radar -i setgainoffset -g 1 -o -0.345


Code Block
RadarNavigationUtilities.exe radar -i setthreshold -t 1


Code Block
RadarNavigationUtilities.exe radar -i setbinoperation -b 11 -m 52

Use flag -b or --bins to specify the Bins to operate on; the default is “10”.
Use flag -m or --minbin to select the minimum bin to operate on; the default is “50”.
Use flag -? or -h or --help to show help and usage information.

Navigation Settings Data

This will retrieve the navigation datasettings.

Code Block
RadarNavigationUtilities.exe radar -i navalarmdata




Set Bins and Min Bin, Threshold and Max Peaks to operate on

This will create default navigation configuration in the file specified with -fapply the bins, minimum bin, threshold and/or maximum peak settings.

Code Block
RadarNavigationUtilities.exe radar -i defaultconfig setnavsettings -b 11 -m 49 -t 1 -fp Configuration.json12

Use flag -f b or --bins to specify the Bins to operate on; the default is “10”.
Use flag -m or --minbin to select the minimum bin to operate on; the default is “50”.
Use flag -t or --filethreshold to specify the file configuration file to be createdthethreshold; the default is “0”.
Use flag -p or --maxpeaks to select the maximum peaks to find; the default is “10”.
Use flag -? or -h or --help to show help and usage information.


Set Buffer Mode

This will upload the navigation configuration from the file specified with -fset the buffer mode.

Code Block
RadarNavigationUtilities.exe radar -i setbuffermode -m uploadconfigAverage -fl Configuration.json11

Use flag Flag -f m or --filemode to specify the file configuration file to be uploadedBuffer Mode, (Off, Average or Max); the default is “Off”.
Use Flag -l or --length to select the Buffer Length; the default is “10”.
Use flagFlag -? or -h or --help to show help and usage information.


Safeguard Alarm Data

This will retrieve the navigation settingsnavigation alarm data - the six alarm states from the SafeGuard system, if enabled.

Code Block
RadarNavigationUtilities.exe radar -i getnavsettings



Create Default Safeguard Configuration

This will download the create default navigation configuration in the file specified with -f.

Code Block
RadarNavigationUtilities.exe radar -i downloadconfigdefaultconfig -f Configuration.json

Use flag -f or --file to specify the file configuration file to be downloaded intocreated.
Use flag -? or -h or --help to show help and usage information.


Upload Safeguard Configuration

This will apply the bins, minimum bin, threshold and/or maximum peak settingsupload the navigation configuration from the file specified with -f.

Code Block
RadarNavigationUtilities.exe radar -i setnavsettingsuploadconfig -b 11 -m 49 -t 1 -p 12f Configuration.json

Use flag -b f or --binsfile to specify the Bins to operate on; the default is “10”file configuration file to be uploaded.
Use flag -m or --minbin to select the minimum bin to operate on; the default is “50”.
Use flag -t or --threshold to specify thethreshold; the default is “0”.
Use flag -p or --maxpeaks to select the maximum peaks to find; the default is “10”.
Use flag -? or -h or --help to show help and usage information.


Download Safeguard Configuration

This will set download the buffer modenavigation configuration.

Code Block
RadarNavigationUtilities.exe radar -i setbuffermodedownloadconfig -m Average -l 11f Configuration.json

Use Flag flag -m f or --mode file to specify the Buffer Mode, (Off, Average or Max); the default is “Off”.
Use Flag -l or --length to select the Buffer Length; the default is “10”file configuration file to be downloaded into.
Use Flag flag -? or -h or --help to show help and usage information.
