Min: This is the minimum value that the model is looking for from the summary sample data. If the summary data from the analysed track is greater than or equal to this value then it will have met the minimum criteria. Where there is no maximum value provided, see below, then this is the only criteria that needs to be met. If it is satisfied then the track is awarded the appropriate weighted points for this classification model, increasing the likelihood that the track is a match.
Max: This is the maximum value that the value is looking for from the summary sample data. If the summary data from the analysed track is less than or equal to this value then it will have met the maximum criteria. Note that this value is optional. If omitted then the model will assume any value above the minimum (see above) is a match. If a minimum and maximum are specified then both criteria must be met for the track to match this attribute of the model.
Set a Track Query (for any classification).
In the Results Panel, the query results will be tabled. One column is labelled 'History'.
Select the rewind icon in the History column for the track you wish to analyse.
A Track Details window will appear.
Select the Classification tab.
A table of results will appear, listing the track's classification probabilities. These are calculated as a fraction of achieved points out of total points possible e.g. 10500/17000
Firstly, analyse the individual cell results by hovering over them with the mouse pointer. Small boxes of information regarding the individual values of the different properties will appear.
In this example, the Weight classification has been highlighted. Note that the Value has fallen below the Vehicle classification Weight range (45-65>31.88), and thus the track is smaller and therefore not a Large Vehicle.
Pull the Track Details window to one side, and select Classification Configs. Ensure the Config Function is enabled.
Select Edit, and then under Classification Models, adjust whichever value you see fit. In this example, the Vehicle: Weight and Strength: Weight range has been adjusted to 30-65.00.
When you select Save, a new tab will appear on the Track Details window: Modified Classification.
A change in the Weight range has changed the score of the Vehicle classification, and raised the probability of the track being a Vehicle to 76.5%, clearly differentiating it from a Large Vehicle.
To do this click, on Classification Configs in the Configuration Tree and select New:
Then select Classification Config:
This will open a Create New Classification Configuration wizard:
Give your new Classification Config an appropriate name and click Finish:
This will create a new Classification Config for you to modify. The Classification Models that were in the Default Classification Config have been replicated here, to allow you to tweak the settings, add or remove a model.
To edit a model, select it and navigate through the settings and amend the ones required:
By default, the Animal setting has not been enabled, so to enable it select the Enabled option:
To add another model, if it is similar to another in size and weight, it will be easier to clone one of the current models by clicking the clone icon:
Then select another Classification from the drop-down list:
This will then display the new model:
The settings can be adjusted to suit the new model:
To remove a model from the list, click on it and then select the trash icon:
Once you are happy with your modifications, click Save:
The new Classification Config will now be displayed in the Configuration Tree:
Applying a Classification Configuration
Go to Topology, select the track engine and click Edit:
Select the desired Classification Config from the drop-down list:
Then click Save: