Selecting the schedule backup optionĀ opens up the System event Scheduler: https://navtechradar.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TUN/pages/206537165/Schedules#System-Event-Scheduler, in which a Backup Task can be created and scheduled, or a pre-existing Backup Task can be edited.
This will open the An explanation of the Scheduler's details and options, including Backup tasks, is available on the Schedules page. However, it is important to note that there are two different types of Backup Task:
A System Configuration Backup
A System Configuration and Alarm Backup
In order to include alarms in the backup, Edit the backup task to enable the Backup Alarms checkbox.
Select the restore database option:
This opens the Restore Database dialog:
Select the Restore File dropdown in order to select a backed up file.
The details of the backed up file will appear in the dialog: