4. The new radar wizard will now start:
Mode: Select the mode by which you will upload your Radar Group - Basic, Auto Discover or Import File.
Layer: Select the display layer onto which you want to create the radar - Layers.
Distance Between Radars: This is the default spacing distance between radar used to automatically position the radar when you select more than 1 radar. The first radar (or only radar if creating one) will be positioned in the centre of the PPI display. The wizard assumes you have started the process with the display approximately in the correct position for the new radar. You can move the radar's position once the wizard is complete.
Model: The model of the radar you are adding. All new Witness installations should be using the CTS-350X.
Radars to Add: The total number of radars you wish to install.
Connection: The connection type and appropriate network settings.
5. Once each radar has been updated, select Finish.