Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


User ID: the ID of the User that created the Area.

Name: the name of the Area.

Enabled: select this for the Area to function. Deselect this to pause the Area's function.

Area Type: the function of the Area.

Dash Pattern: the pattern of the Area perimeter.

Colour: the fill colour of the Area.

Layer: which layer the Area is placed onto.

Hide: select this to simplify the PPI Map Display by partially concealing the Area while leaving it functioning as usual.

Label Visibility: how the area label appears on the PPI.

a. Use System

b. Auto Hide

c. Visible

d. Hidden

Disarm Mode: the enabled / disabled mode for this area. Options are:

a. Manual: the area can only be enabled or disabled using the configuration or the Arm / Disarm button.

b. Auto: the area can only be enabled or disabled using a rule action - the user cannot change it through the configuration.

c. None: the area cannot be enabled or disabled - it is locked in its current state.

Disable Area Timeout: select to hide the timeout selection list.

Hide Disarm Pattern: by default a semi-transparent pattern is used as a fill to indicate when an area is disabled. This option will hide this pattern when disabled, leaving the area with just a transparent fill.

Enabled: select this for the Area to function. Deselect this to pause the Area's function.

Colour: the fill colour of the Area.

Layer: which layer the Area is placed onto.

Hide: select this to simplify the PPI Map Display by partially concealing the Area while leaving it functioning as usual.

Label Visibility: how the area label appears on the PPI.

a. Use System

b. Auto Hide

c. Visible

d. Hidden

Where Used: which entities utilise the area.


6. Select Save to confirm your Area addition.


Arming and Disarming Areas
