Versions Compared


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This section labels the main aspects of the ClearWay™ display. If you are uncertain of any named aspect of the display used in this documentation, this is your point of reference. Most of the display sections can be re-arranged or configured by dragging and dropping.



On this page:



Table of Contents


  1. Live tab

  2. Playback tab

  3. Alarm Dashboard tab 

  4. Topology tab

  5. System Profile

  6. Edit Lock Icon

  7. Notification Dropdown List

  8. Config Function button ⚙

  9. System Menu ☰

  10. Window Commands 

    1. (question) Help/Documentation Shortcut 

    2. (▾) Minimise

    3. (minus) (plus) Shrink/Enlarge Window

    4. (error) Close Window


  1. Configuration Tree

  2. PPI Navigation Control

  3. Track Details

  4. Selected Entity Info Panel

  5. PPI Display Map

  6. Alarm Panel


  1. PPI Navigation Control

  2. Track Details

  3. Configuration Panel

  4. Configuration Tree

  5. PPI Map Display

  6. Selected Entity Info Panel


  1. Query Panel

  2. PPI Navigation Control

  3. Selected Entity Info Panel

  4. PPI Map Display

  5. Timeline and Timescale 

  6. Results Panel



  1. Topology Panel/Camera Topology

  2. Unassigned Radar Panel/Unassigned Items Panel

  3. Track Engine/Camera Controller 

  4. Management Server Panel

  5. Management Server 

  6. Track Engine Panel/Camera Controller Panel


Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel in ( "witness" , "clearway" , "display" , "labels" , "terminology" , "navigating" , "reset" , "view" ) and space = "TUN"