These are the primary global settings for the software system. They include policy settings for user security, database retention limits, system profiles and database backup options. Please refer to the documentation before making changes because these settings can significantly alter the behaviour of the software,
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Database Configuration
Track Check Period (ms): how often the system checks for expired tracks.
Maximum Sightings: maximum number of sightings stored of a single track - after which the system stops recording sightings.
Minimum Debris Sightings: minimum number of sightings recorded before a track is classed as debris.
Minimum IFF Sightings: minimum number of IFF (Friend or Foe) sightings definitely recorded as a track before potential culling. Given stationary tracks don't need to be recorded, IFF tracks will be culled when stationary, but the Minimum IFF Sightings ensures they are recorded first.
Last Sightings: number of sightings guaranteed to be recorded at the end of a track.
Debris (and IFF) Movement Limit (m): distance of movement below which debris (and IFF tracks) will not be recorded.
Use Radar NTP Time: this is the Network Time Protocol data sent with the tracks from the radar. NTP is a networking protocol for clock synchronisation between computer systems over packet-switched, variable-latency data networks
Alarms Options
Audible Alarm: select to have a sound emitted when a system alarm is active.
Custom Threat Sound: the sound clip emitted for a threat alarm (this supports most common sound formats including .mp3 and .wav).
Custom Warning Sound: the sound clip emitted for a warning alarm (this supports most common sound formats including .mp3 and .wav).
Alarm Timeout (s): the length of time before the alarms are cleared after a system or AID alarm has been resolved.
Auto Acknowledge: select if alarms are automatically acknowledged when they are cleared. If auto-acknowledge is disabled, then the operator is expected to acknowledge all alarm incidences.
Clear Alarm Minimum Role: the minimum role in the role hierarchy that has permission to clear alarms. Any roles below this in the role hierarchy will not be able to clear alarms.