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Table of Contents

Version 4.1.0 Build 281 - 24 June 2019

Tracker Release Notes


  • Fixed Heightmap not being applied

Version 4.1.0 Build 279 - 13 June 2019

Tracker Release Notes


  • TUN-2821 - Fixed track history dialog loading speed

  • Fixed camera offset commands to force button actions to send commands instantly and put text changes on a longer delay

  • TUN-2883 - Fixed Bosch MIC 7000 is not going to home position, even when in edit

  • Fixed health of radars not correctly being reported in topology view and other areas

  • Fixed issue with track selection when using locate on an already selected track

  • TUN-2900 - Fixed topology view for Engineer so they gets same permissions and view as admin but should not be able to edit track engines and management servers or shut them down

  • TUN-2894 - Fixed bug when the management server restarts, the quick report generates duplicate entries

  • Fixed issue that can cause a camera to adjust it's tilt periodically when following a target

  • TUN-2898 - Fixed camera area selection when camera is selected

  • Fixed potential issue with correlating IFF tracks and radar tracks

New Feature

  • Added support for Geutebruck 4620 and 3280 dome cameras

  • Added E-Mail plugin for reporting system and security alarms

  • TUN-2842 - Allow ICD100 to report radar model

  • TUN-2832 - Added health status to radar centre ellipse

  • TUN-2866 - Added auto login feature to UI

  • TUN-2864 - Stop the UI from AdvanceGuard being able log into ClearWay

  • TUN-2867 - Added global permissions settings to control certain aspects of the UI

  • TUN-2889 - Add a max zoom limit for cameras based on distance

  • TUN-2876 - Add extra alarm status button showing number of system alarms in the system, along with ability to switch to correct tab in alarm list

  • TUN-2890 - Updated rule area [dis]able to only update areas with auto disarm mode and added option to hide disarm pattern

  • TUN-0215 - Enable external systems to configure temporary partial exclusion zone

  • TUN-2852 - Add camera name to title bar in PiP window

  • TUN-2893 - Added ability to show breaking tracks from pending acknowledgement alarm list

  • TUN-2895 - Added recent alarm tracks quick report

  • TUN-2896 - Toggle a layer status with a double click in Entity Tree when in config mode


  • TUN-2849 - Ensure the focus on the login screen starts in the user name textbox if no username is present

  • Added logging for area arm & disarm

  • Tweak small and large changes in Camera Managmenet application pan and tilt controls

  • TUN-2864 - Limited track detail graphs to 100 points

  • TUN-2875 - Improved handling of radar data to minimise chances of two UI's causing a problem

  • TUN-2853 - Added separate buttons to toggle configuration tree and alarm panel visibility

  • TUN-2850 - Improved display of height map selection border at various zoom levels

  • TUN-2880 - Ensure main window position and size is saved between sessions

  • TUN-2879 - Ensure only admins can create alarm exclusion areas from the track query results

  • Improved logging in RTS Plugin

  • TUN-2901 - Ensure the user can hit return with focus in the username field assuming the username has been entered

  • TUN-2899 - Changed default live view for AdvanceGuard to be with alarm tab but no configuration tree

  • Change Code Signing to use a SHA256 hash as SHA1 should no longer be used

  • TUN-2890 - Updated rule area [dis]able to only update areas with auto disarm mode and added option to hide disarm pattern

Version 4.1.0 Build 270 - 29 May 2019

Tracker Release Notes


  • Fixed radar data swapping back to default after an edit and also ensured new channels become the selected channel when added

  • TUN-2831 - Fixed UI track summary aggregation calculations

  • Fixed rule schedule dialog in rule editor

  • Fixed issue with Camera Manager crashing when adding a camera

  • Fixed IFF track handling to handle loss and re-acquisition of GPS signals

New Feature

  • Bosch Video Management System (BVMS) plugin (Experimental)

  • Added logout audit message to system log

  • Added system log message for when a user closes UI


  • Allow Expected Rotation Speed to be set for all modes as the tracker uses this to set the expire period

  • TUN-2858 - Ensure a default connection is set on the new radar dialog when using the import option

  • Improved logging for users logging in and out of User Interface

Version 4.1.0 Build 259 - 21 May 2019

Tracker Release Notes


  • Fixed error when running the integration simulator

  • New tracker required due to a crash

Version 4.1.0 Build 255 - 14 May 2019

Tracker Release Notes


  • Fixed issue where main window was going outside screen size when maximised

  • Fixed background image uploader failing with images larger than 30000x30000 pixels

  • Fixed issue with camera beam was not appearing on first login

  • TUN-2801 - Fixed when there is a large time gap between the server and UI, the UI will still show the camera beam moving and still draws track trails but does NOT show the track marker

  • TUN-2805 - Fixed issue where overwatch setttings were not surviving a UI restart. Also fixed issue where the user panel config was being applied for all users not just the logged-in user

  • Fixed missing URL from VipX based cameras

  • TUN-2783 - Fixed issue where Witness would not reconnect when changing the onboard tracker IP address for a radar that was previously connected to a tracker on a different IP

  • Fixed version number being truncated on a TE in Topology Manger

  • Fixed error with GANZ plugin not being signed and therefore not being loaded

  • Fixed error with latched tracks and rule based camera following not behaving correctly

  • Fixed issue with playback tracks where they were always being created at the origin instead of the centre of the screen

  • Fixed bug where contour area was not responding to cancel properly after a radar position was changed without using the mouse

  • Fixed issue that allowed you to click new or cancel within the new entity view once we have already started creating a new entity

  • Fixed issue when copying a security rule to prevent edits impacting the original as well as the copy

  • Fixed RTS Plugin not correctly setting course of sighting

  • Fixed Stream URL textbox for video viewers which was restricted to 100 characters

  • Several minor UI fixes including the breach line adorner, the value comparison control in the rule editor

New Features

  • Added option in licence dialog to import file. Included a warning message option and also tweaked the apply licence logic to ensure that the licence is checked on every UI reconnect

  • TUN-2808 - Added a full system reset option

  • TUN-2685 - Added the RTS IFF plugin

  • TUN-2826 - Added the ability to hide outer range limit. Setting is in the global Tracker settings.

  • TUN-2736 - Added Picture-In-Picture Functionality to enable video viewers to be pinnned into the main PPI

  • TUN-2214 - Added new Milestone integration plugin to support alarm and video booking marking

  • TUN-2613 - Added full support for the Dallmeier Panomera cameras and streamer, including support for 2x virtual ONVIF cameras

  • TUN-2782 - Added a new Area Exclusion node for the rule editor


  • TUN-2784 - Allow entities on hidden, non-interactive layers to be selected via topology or entity tree

  • TUN-2798 - Improved the logic on the rule schedule dialog to be consistent with other dialogs

  • TUN-2806 - Automatically open camera Offset Expander when going into Edit Mode

  • TUN-2826 - Improved radar data image so that it is not dimmed when the radar has been hidden but is selected and radar data is on

  • TUN-2827 - Make Grouped Entity dialog for radars slimmer

  • TUN-2835 - Updated radar data drop down list to use new style

  • TUN-2732 - Added camera command options to the video viewer overlay

  • TUN-2835 - Radar data selections are now persisted between toggling the display on and off. Default selection is restored after a radar configuration is changed

  • Speeded up tile generation and reduced memory usage for large background images

  • Added close button to Group Dialogs to be consistent across all dialogs

  • Several minor UI improvements including improving the editing of the playback tracks

Version 4.1.0 Build 226 - 5 April 2019


Tracker Release Notes


  • TUN-2729 - Fixed colour pickers for all heat maps where missing (ATI, Lost) and change default opacity to 50%

  • TUN-2740 - Fixed Track Playback generator to ensure it issues a proper delete when a track loops

  • TUN-2747 - Fixed clear button in playback so it becomes available for heatmap queries

  • TUN-2743 - Fixed the situation where you can cancel a radar edit whilst editing the tracker param pairs which leaves the popup open

  • TUN-2749 - Fixed colour picker standard colour tab not working

  • Fixed severity of the rule broken not being recorded onto the track sighting

  • Fixed bug where camera areas were not being correctly applied to the camera when selected

  • Fixed issue where a non-selected manual camera move can use any cameras selected camera areas

  • TUN-2757 - Fixed the issue where if you edit and change a camera, not allocated to a CC, then it will start responding to manual moves

  • TUN-2756 - Fixed issue where cameras not allocated to a controller are still being considered for closest camera when moving manually

  • Fixed Camera Manager application not resetting zoom coefficients before use

  • TUN-2742 - Fixed sorting on radar area tracking parameters. Ordering by type (Partial, Normal) and also ordering within type now work as expected 

  • Fixed classification tree view from requiring multiple clicks to expand nodes

  • Fixed excluding localhost address from distribution IP addresses

New Features

  • TUN-2724 - Added a new Track real-time analysis dialog which shows key metrics, including the history of these values since the track was detected

  • TUN-2722 - Added ability to mass allocate visible entities to layers

  • TUN-2727 - Enabled track selection toggle through sequential clicks on the same track icon

  • TUN-2717 - Added ability to create a playback track from a recorded track (track cloning)

  • Added facility to undo area point moves, whole area moves and adding points

  • TUN-2748 - Added indicators to Track History and Playback tracks for provisional sightings. Also changed track history PPI line to reflect a different colour for provisional sightings

  • Added double click to HeightMap entity tree item to toggle visibility and forced Hide for the entity to false (its not used) so icon appears normally in the Entity tree

  • Added support for the Dahua DH-PTZ12248V-IRB-N camera

  • TUN-2741 - Added an option to the Playback track record to enable or disable track Db recording

  • TUN-2739 - Added ability to select and update multiple height map squares at once. Ctrl+Alt to select/deselect, Ctrl+Left Click or mouse wheel to update dynamically or via data entry prompt


  • TUN-2710 - Improved loading of breaking tracks in alarm history dialog

  • TUN-2702 - Auto expand item in Entity tree if the health status of any item has changed to anything other than Healthy

  • TUN-2728 - Ensure all heat map colour pickers are set to 50% opacity by default

  • TUN-2723 - Improved layout and usability of the track mini control

  • TUN-2725 - Hide camera beam if on the Playback tab. Do not implement right click camera move if on playback tab.

  • TUN-2737 - When track status is deleted change Locate image to Locate Icon rather than Target Icon - distinguishes between locating and locate and follow

  • Improved performance when running Playback queries to avoid locking the UI when large datasets are being fetched

  • TUN-2726 - Height map now always show height values at a reduced opacity - with opacity increasing on mouse over

  • TUN-2744 - Whilst on the Playback tab the selected track will not be followed (i.e. remain in the centre of the PPI)

  • TUN-2768 - Added an upgrade to change existing height maps to have a persisted visibility of "true"

  • TUN-2754 - Changed camera selection behavior to not select camera areas on selection (areas are still shown just not selected)

  • Improved search feature can search for cameras along with all other entities

Version 4.1.0 Build 212 - 05 March 2019
